Monday, November 22, 2010

Do you know a good Shaman in the greater Glendale area?

Does anyone know a good Shaman in the greater Glendale area? I ask because I have a nasty lil virus that I can't shake, and as I sit here, shivering and coughing and feeling like death personified, I can't help but watch my life pass before my eyes, I recall a Tribal Religions class where we watched a film about, well, a Tribal Religion. The tribe was located in the Amazon or something. I remember watching the tribal Shaman approach a sick villager, wooden cane in one hand, medical leather pouch in the other, sporting a colorful green and brown skirt made of branches and leaves, strung together by a leather thread, with war paint so awesome it would make an Avatar jealous. Pretty rad earrings too. The Shaman jumped around and shook his cane and i held my breath because I really thought his skirt was going to fall. I was prepared to turn my head, but still stare at the screen. Needless to say, the skirt never fell, and the sick villager seemed to get better,but, honestly, I had no idea what the narrator was saying because he had a very thick accent and accents make me giggle, my loud giggle that makes it difficult to hear anything else. Anyhow, the Shaman seemed nice, and was a pretty impressive dancer, and obviously knows a great jeweler, and I am having doubts about our Health Care system in general. So, long story short, if you know if a good Shaman (even a mediocre Shaman) in the greater Glendale area, that can possibly make house calls, please let me know.

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